In our experience there are certain questions that our clients and guests usually ask us prior to their visit to Tanzania. Feel free to go over the FAQs below or connect with us for more information if you can’t find what you’re looking for.

Tanzania is accessible by air as well as by sea. You may arrive at one of two international airports both of which will offer you access to transportation if needed.

It helps to connect with your designated tour company in advance to make transport arrangements.

Though visas are issued to those visiting Tanzania on entry, it is recommended that all visa arrangements be made well before your actual trip. Your travel agent as well as your tour company may facilitate you with this process.

Depending on where you are in Tanzania, your credit cards and US dollars may or may not be accepted. It helps to get a fixed amount converted to the local currency either prior to your visit or via a local exchange.

Much of your Tanzanian vacation will likely be spend outdoors or in the wild. It helps to ensure that you are on top of your vaccinations and take the necessary precautions for diseases such as malaria which may be present in some areas. Travel medical insurance may also be recommended.

Though the national language and primary means of communication in the region is Swahili, English is also widely spoken and understood. This is particularly so in the more tourist friendly regions however it may help to carry a pocket translation book for emergencies!

Breathtaking safaris and nature excursions are the main attractions when it comes to Tanzania. If you’re looking to spend time with nature, visit stunning natural locations and spend time in proximity with wild animals, Tanzania is the place to be. The region also offers stretches of gorgeous coast, mouthwatering local cuisine and a treasure trove of cultural experiences to be had by those who visit.

Being a tropical region, Tanzania is visit worthy all year round. It helps to plan your visits in accordance with what you plan by way of recreation. If you’re hoping to catch animal migrations, look up seasonal migration charts and plan accordingly. Alternatively those looking for extra peace and quiet may visit during off season. The choice is entirely yours!